ARIA doesn't augment any of the element's inherent behavior:
Custom behaviors still need to be implemented
3. Do not use `role="presentation"` or `aria-hidden="true"` on a visible and focusable element.
4. All interactive elements must have an accessible label or name.
Do this:
a11y(URL, callback)
accepts a string as input and takes a callback providing a reports object with the accessibility audit for the supplied URL.
var a11y = require('a11y');
a11y('', function (err, reports) {
var output = JSON.parse(reports);
var audit = output.audit; //a11y formatted report
var report =;
//Chrome devtools accessibility audit formatted report
reports.audit.forEach(function (el) {
// result will be PASS, FAIL or NA
if (el.result === 'FAIL') {
// el.heading
// el.severity
// el.elements
Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing by dequelabs:
npm install axe-core --save-dev